Crossover Media produces interview with composer Derek Bermel

Noted composer Derek Bermel sat down in our studios last week for a day full of interviews with classical radio stations across the country, produced and organized by Crossover Media. Dubway’s Violette Furton engineered the interviews – no easy feat, as the day consists of back-to-back-to-back remote recordings with radio hosts, over different connections, generally with very tight timing windows.

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Among a long list of accomplishments as a composer and noted ability as a clarinetist, Bermel is the Artistic Director of the American Composers Orchestra, curator of the Gamper Festival at the Bowdoin International Music Festival, Director of Copland House's emerging composers institute Cultivate, and was recently artist-in-residence at the Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) in Princeton.

We are always excited to host Crossover Media and the talented artists they bring into our studio. We’ll look forward to the next one! In the meantime, you can listen to Bermel’s recent album Migrations, which was recently nominated for a Grammy Award in the Classical Composition category and was largely the subject of the interviews. Order a copy here or with your preferred classical distribution company!